Friday, April 8, 2011

Evtv1 When Men Love Surprises In The Shower

Radio Wroclaw

Some time ago I received from Editor motorcycle bearing the editor in chief and chairman of the board Radio Wroclaw - Mr. Thomas Duda, who possibly would be interested in a relationship with my trip. I wrote, called, we agreed to meet in the building Radio Wroclaw, the response was very positive at the start.
radio threshold exceeded with the feeling that accompanies the child at the first visit to the gothic cathedral. Violent intimidation fell on me, like when you're dealing with an institution of very general estimate. It therefore goes into the ether polyphony awareness and shaping public opinion. This is where the talent search, which debuted on the air are gaining widespread recognition. And this is where Cinderella takes the floor, before the expedition, during and after the trip to let go of the ether mesydż a single, spontaneous travel and economic, to which everyone can win.
Thank you for your interest in Thomas Dudzie kopciuszkizmem!

Silence! I'll kill you! ;)

building known to all of Wroclaw


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