Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Happens If I Forgot To Call Unemployment

mototripu 2011, ie proposals Matjaz

Matjaz Friend, acquainted during the scholarship stay in Slovenia, has decided to release C with arduous work which is rozrysowywanie expedition route and I sent in two alternative versions of the trip around Europe. One of the mini, because a trifle 17 000 km, the second maxi - 22 000 km. My idea of \u200b\u200bthe expedition is situated in the middle as usual. My would take the following modifications:
- Nordkap not because it's a pile of rocks and nothing more, certainly VALUE Æ symbolic of that place (the end of Europe blah blah) far exceeds VALUE Æ viewing,
- not Sweden, and Norway, for places such as Lofoten, Troll Ladder, or a whole section of the famous Route No. 63 until the Geiranger Fjord is obvious Motorcycle "must have",
- crossing from Norway to Denmark by ferry,
- a journey through the Netherlands (must stop in Amsterdam) and Belgium,
- in northern Spain the coast of Santander and Oviedo to Vigo and Porto, the return of Salamanca, Madrid and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwill forgive the South, probably because I cook,
- South France to Tuscany, then to Croatia, Slovenia,
- I think I let go Greece itself, the lowest in the Balkans eats into Albania and Macedonia,
- in the submitted versions of Ukraine issues were resolved as follows: either at all or in tandem with Belarus, I'll probably interferes with Romania to Lviv, but definitely a let go of Belarus.

It's probably a good compromise.

Two versions of the trip by Matjaz


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