Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Happens When A Bathroom Scale Battery Is

Welcome to

Early Sign Of Larygeal Trachael Bronchtis

About Bartoszyce in Tygodnik Solidarnosc

White Around Tattoo Outline

songbook of Solidarity and Freedom - Interview

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Deep River Plattwood Park

Songbook Solidarity and Freedom - Illegal

The National Assembly of Delegates of Solidarity with my songbooks, next to Joseph Wild - Chairman. Regional Board Warm.-Maz.

On KZD in Wroclaw with my songbooks

Photo: Thomas Gutry - Weekly Solidarity

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tran-nhut Femme Dans Le Miroir

flowers photos - photos taken by my own

Songbook - Page 102 - Jan Pietrzak - Illegal flowers

Illegal flowers - VII.1982r. - Warsaw
Own Photos:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Osk Japanese Green Tea Commercial

with Fr. Bishop Joseph Wysocki - my teacher from high school

my Tatry - Papal Plane over Giewontem - where the Pope bade farewell

Katesplayground Balcony Bounce

shanties - a declaration of will and design

; ; Declaration Will
In the consciousness of communities in Bartoszyce works for some time the need to organize cultural events in the formula Shanty Festival ERB that would promote our city in a floodplain as well as popularized the culture of our land Bartoszyce attractions, even in the international arena, at least among Baltic Sea countries. In the near term, this would lead to a Amphitheatre - Summer Festival Centre, which is used to organize well as other events. The annual international festival Bartoszyce stimulate economic development and tourism of the city and county and stimulate the local artistic activity. Culture-its meaning would be indisputable.
support this grass-roots citizens' initiative has saved the County Development Strategy Bartoszyckiego and the winning design Local economic recovery declare submit a proposal at the meetings of the Commission which preside, then the sessions of the Council and the Executive Boards of our local government units with the intention of the security budget for 2011 amount to a common realization Shanty Festival ERB.
first Commission President:
a /. District Council - .............................................. .
b /. City Council - .............................................. .....
c /. Municipal Council - ............................................
second a /. District Office - ...........................
b /. The City Bartoszyce - ........................
c /. Municipal Office Bartoszyce - ....................
d /. Bartoszycki House of Culture - ......................
third Social Organizations:
a /. OR WM "Solidarity" - Witold Darski - .....................
b /. .................................................. ..................................................
c /. .................................................. ..................................................
4th Individuals:
a / ........................ ......, b / ............................c /........... ....................

with Romek Roczeniem, Waldek Lewandowski and Ms Kate - December 2009.

first Formation of the project ERB Shanty Festival 2001-2009
a. shanty gig on Days Bartoszyce 06/01/2001. + TVK Bartsat - intention
b. save the project in the County Strategy 2002
c. saving plans in the winning Project 2007 LOG
second The resulting declarations of support, made contacts and opportunities of
a. Mark Szurawski - marynista, Bells
b. George Porebski - marine biologist, Bells
c. Slawomir Klups - animator of culture, Atlantis
d. Grzegorz Tyszkiewicz - sailor, Smugglers
e. ; Jaroslaw Borkowski - Holidays Organizer (Thursdays) from the shanties in Olsztyn
f. Telephone interest in ERB in Elblag - Mr. Olszewski
g. new project, integrating partners and countries of the Euroregion The Baltic Sea basin.
h. Nationwide Internet forum "Szantymaniak"
i. Roman Roczeń - a blind singer and guitarist, org. voyages "To see the sea"
third Place in the Festival Centre Festival - visualization, adaptation, analysis availability and the possibility of organizing events biletowanej, reserve space - covered - for discussion and consideration.
4th Amphitheatre - The European Union, sponsors, funding from the budget.
a. Amphitheatre - The Festival - concert shell:
design guidelines of the Central and the smaller chamber
of subsidies by the EU - shelter for the audience?
Location: Bend Lyna Street. Jagiello, the lake dairy, Elizabeth Park, Wood TPD, ...................................... .................................................. ....
b. Sponsors - public-private partnership, the EU, Local Government Prov, Euroregion.
c. Joint Undertaking local governments.
5th Declaration of the will of local governments in the implementation of plans, sewn introduction
to the budget 2011.
a. Cost Estimate - the assumption at the beginning of the stage and the audience
detachable / 10 bands in the contest 2-3 + star - 2 days - approx. 35 thousand zł.
b. Approval of the Council and the Commission's factual statements will a Board
c. Introduction amounts to budgets of municipalities.
6th Prepare presentation plans, its prospects for the Committee of Councils and Councillors
(with comments by the Commission) by the initiating team.
a. consulting project in ERB in Elblag
7th Identification of the Festival period - 2 or 3 days?, Concerts in Sępopolu, Bisztynku,
Gorowo Il.?
8th Shanty organize a concert performer known this year as
announcement Festival in 2011 (up to two contractors in the full repertoire - 3 hours.
- up to 5 thousand. zł).
a. Mietek Folk
b. Atlantis
c. Krzysztof Malinowski from Canada (from Biskupiec)
d. Greg Tyszkiewicz

;                                                                      Proposed - Witold Darski

Bartoszyce the 10/28/2010.

Hl-dt-st Dvdram Gh40f Dual Layer

Certificate - European social dialogue - 2009.

Certificate - powers to secure and flexible forms of work on CSR and Flexicurity - 2009.

Certificate of Christian Trade Union of the Netherlands - 1990.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nike Jersey Rn 56323 Ca 05553

Certificates I - different views

Format Of Reconsideration Letter In Ust

Tatry - my passion

Tatry mine - I Due Szpiglasowego Peak Slovakia

Tatry mine - I and the three ponds (on the way to pass Szpiglasową)

my Tatry - The Szpiglasowej pass - in the background Orla Perc

Tatry mine - I am on Świnicy

my Tatry - On the way to Świnica - Track down the valley

Tatry I - The Sarnie Rock - in the background Giewont

Tatry mine - I have to jump Krokiew

my Tatry - The Beskidku - Background Świnica

Tatra me - I am on Kościelec

Do Women Like Balk Gags


Rhine with his wife:

My two daughters - 1985

When Will A Nurse Examine A Penis


Gifts union

mandate delegate to the XXV KZD Solidarity

Housewarming Invite Bible Verses

The protest in Szczytno - 2010.

plaque commemorating the strike in Morena - my project

The XXV Congress of Delegates of the National Solidarity in Wroclaw - 22.10.2010r.

The prisoners watched the film - 2008.

with my friend Anne Niszczak union - one of the prisoners (3 l) - 2008.