Friday, December 31, 2010

Story Of O Whip Scene

Happy New Year! Love

click photo

Happy New Year!
Fulfilling your dreams, even those deeply hidden. Patch of sky and happiness without moderation.
May this year will give life new flavors, lots of sweets and passionate pikantosci. The last piece of
Break all the calendar of bad moods. Forget about all the failed days worth przekreslcie memory moments and Enter the New Year as you enter a new dress for prom finest in the world.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Gi Lcence Renewal Ontario

What is love?
According to Robert Sternberg, love can be described by three basic components. These are passion, commitment and intimacy . Features are continuously transformed during the relationship.
click photo

intimacy or closeness to any positive feelings and actions that enhance the attachment of the partners.
According to Sternberg, as conceived in the intimacy include:
  • desire to care for the welfare of a partner,
  • experiencing happiness in the presence of a partner and with his reason,
  • respect for the partner,
  • believe that you can count on him in need,
  • mutual understanding,
  • mutual sharing of experiences and spiritual and material goods,
  • giving and receiving emotional support,
  • intimate exchange of information,
  • regard the partner as an important element in their lives;
emotions that make up the intimacy are largely the result of communication between partners and understand the needs of the beloved.
At the beginning of love, intimacy is low, it increases gradually with the duration of a relationship and even more slowly subsides after reaching its maximum.

Passion is experiencing strong emotions, both positive and negative. When the intensity of the passion is high, experiencing emotions such as desire, joy, excitement, longing, jealousy, anxiety. States are accompanied by a strong motivation to reach the object of love, physical intimacy, sexual relationships. Often love is identified with a passion.
In the initial stage of falling in love passion is very strong and not susceptible to conscious control. Of whether a given diadzie is passion and it is not, we have no control. Just how quickly the passion growing just as quickly falls, and although it is inevitable that, the decline of passion does not equate to the end of love.

commitment to maintaining a relationship is any action aimed at transforming love in a lasting relationship. It is a conscious decision as to whether we want to be in a relationship, whether it is satisfactory to us. So it is a component of love, which they control the intensity. Strong commitment may be a factor in successfully sustaining the compound. In pairs satisfied with the marriage, the commitment is usually the strongest component of maintaining the feeling of love in your relationship.
With the beginning of love, when two people decide to be together, the commitment to gradually rise. When it reaches its maximum level, it usually remains at the end of the relationship.

Phase relation

first Phase in love
begin to develop the three components, with the most rapid expansion passion. There will be specific to the symptoms of love.
second The early phase of romantic
characterized by an increase in intimacy . It is usually short-lived. Awake passion partners often begin to meet, talk about yourself, it's better to know, hence the increase in intimacy. There is also a decision as to maintain the relationship and it goes in the third phase.
third Therefore the complete phase
is characterized by all three components. This usually involves making the decision about the wedding, living together, and so decisions about the duration of the compound. This is the phase of the most satisfactory for the partners and the most saturated with emotion. They are achieving the highest degree of intimacy . Just now they commitment is very strong. The end of this phase is synonymous with the inevitable end passions. The sudden weakening of passion sets the entry into the fourth phase.
4th Phase friendly view
component is devoid of passion that if it was synonymous with love itself, may mean that in a love connection burned out. For many people enter a phase of a friendly connection is the most satisfying period of their relationship. Considering the fact that in this phase is dominated by the involvement , which is dependent on our will, and the intimacy that is only in part also depend on it, we can conclude that the prolongation of this phase is dependent on the willingness of both partners. The problem could be for them to sustain intimacy at a high level, and therefore mutual trust, liking to be willing to assist and receive assistance. If you can not sustain the intimacy, the relationship goes into the last phase.
5th Phase relation blank
characterized Only commitment , which is the only component of sustaining it. Diadem this is the only remnant of love, because relying on the commitment to be reckoned with the possibility that one partner desires change and dispenses with the continuation of such relationship. This is a phase that not necessarily arise , where partners manage to maintain the intimacy . However, when the decline of intimacy, involvement can also maintain a relationship with equally good results. When it comes to this stage most frequently marriage in the sixth phase.
6th Relationship breakdown

click photo
As you can see in the picture, the three components of love may be with you combined in any way create different kinds of love. These components make up the so-called. love triangle, forming various combinations. And brotherly love is a component of the feelings of closeness and commitment, love is a terrible passion and commitment, while romantic love is a feeling of intimacy and passion. Empty love is pure commitment, and passion made up of blindness or are otherwise falling in love. Perfect love is a love triangle as shown in the component feelings of intimacy, passion and commitment. It's love, to which most people seek.

Throughout life stories of people gather their relationships with other people, which means that they have certain expectations for the current and future relationships. Young people experience different kinds of love, sometimes it is a liking, friendship, sometimes falling in love, which goes by so quickly as it appeared, fatal love, which ends when the passion stops, other times it is a romance, which allows you to rise above the gray day everyday. However, most of these experiences prepare people to love doskonałej.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Things To Say On A Bridal Shower Cakes


Uthemann Huta steel mill for me is exceptional. Since I can remember, I always scroll somewhere in the background, whether by the whole summer when I went to a place on the 'lake complex' with the crew to swim, whether by the university, as seen from the windows of the train, or simply view the clock tower from the door to my block. For several years, systematically dismantled, devastated, without any controls. He was eventually to scrap after it ino a monumental stature - chimney, guildhall and the water tower. Well remnants muffle furnaces.

Here I put two photos of 2003, which, unfortunately, the quality is not sin, because they are only a scan of the photograph.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Congratulations For Your New Job


Bytom Menyanthes was once a place where the industry has even fused - a huge conglomeration of Metallurgy and processing of scenic blast furnaces, a forest of chimneys and a huge amount of smoke and smog. Next to mine with two towers standing proudly panes, and near the beautiful, the cathedral even posture, power plant. Today, the conglomerate that remains is a coke plant, which is a faint shadow of its earlier glory. Not so long ago, some threatened scab blast furnace, however, and he walked away into oblivion. Truncated to a minimum. The district is Menyanthes szczerbata more ..

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Happens When A Bathroom Scale Battery Is

Welcome to

Early Sign Of Larygeal Trachael Bronchtis

About Bartoszyce in Tygodnik Solidarnosc

White Around Tattoo Outline

songbook of Solidarity and Freedom - Interview

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Deep River Plattwood Park

Songbook Solidarity and Freedom - Illegal

The National Assembly of Delegates of Solidarity with my songbooks, next to Joseph Wild - Chairman. Regional Board Warm.-Maz.

On KZD in Wroclaw with my songbooks

Photo: Thomas Gutry - Weekly Solidarity

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tran-nhut Femme Dans Le Miroir

flowers photos - photos taken by my own

Songbook - Page 102 - Jan Pietrzak - Illegal flowers

Illegal flowers - VII.1982r. - Warsaw
Own Photos:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Osk Japanese Green Tea Commercial

with Fr. Bishop Joseph Wysocki - my teacher from high school

my Tatry - Papal Plane over Giewontem - where the Pope bade farewell

Katesplayground Balcony Bounce

shanties - a declaration of will and design

; ; Declaration Will
In the consciousness of communities in Bartoszyce works for some time the need to organize cultural events in the formula Shanty Festival ERB that would promote our city in a floodplain as well as popularized the culture of our land Bartoszyce attractions, even in the international arena, at least among Baltic Sea countries. In the near term, this would lead to a Amphitheatre - Summer Festival Centre, which is used to organize well as other events. The annual international festival Bartoszyce stimulate economic development and tourism of the city and county and stimulate the local artistic activity. Culture-its meaning would be indisputable.
support this grass-roots citizens' initiative has saved the County Development Strategy Bartoszyckiego and the winning design Local economic recovery declare submit a proposal at the meetings of the Commission which preside, then the sessions of the Council and the Executive Boards of our local government units with the intention of the security budget for 2011 amount to a common realization Shanty Festival ERB.
first Commission President:
a /. District Council - .............................................. .
b /. City Council - .............................................. .....
c /. Municipal Council - ............................................
second a /. District Office - ...........................
b /. The City Bartoszyce - ........................
c /. Municipal Office Bartoszyce - ....................
d /. Bartoszycki House of Culture - ......................
third Social Organizations:
a /. OR WM "Solidarity" - Witold Darski - .....................
b /. .................................................. ..................................................
c /. .................................................. ..................................................
4th Individuals:
a / ........................ ......, b / ............................c /........... ....................

with Romek Roczeniem, Waldek Lewandowski and Ms Kate - December 2009.

first Formation of the project ERB Shanty Festival 2001-2009
a. shanty gig on Days Bartoszyce 06/01/2001. + TVK Bartsat - intention
b. save the project in the County Strategy 2002
c. saving plans in the winning Project 2007 LOG
second The resulting declarations of support, made contacts and opportunities of
a. Mark Szurawski - marynista, Bells
b. George Porebski - marine biologist, Bells
c. Slawomir Klups - animator of culture, Atlantis
d. Grzegorz Tyszkiewicz - sailor, Smugglers
e. ; Jaroslaw Borkowski - Holidays Organizer (Thursdays) from the shanties in Olsztyn
f. Telephone interest in ERB in Elblag - Mr. Olszewski
g. new project, integrating partners and countries of the Euroregion The Baltic Sea basin.
h. Nationwide Internet forum "Szantymaniak"
i. Roman Roczeń - a blind singer and guitarist, org. voyages "To see the sea"
third Place in the Festival Centre Festival - visualization, adaptation, analysis availability and the possibility of organizing events biletowanej, reserve space - covered - for discussion and consideration.
4th Amphitheatre - The European Union, sponsors, funding from the budget.
a. Amphitheatre - The Festival - concert shell:
design guidelines of the Central and the smaller chamber
of subsidies by the EU - shelter for the audience?
Location: Bend Lyna Street. Jagiello, the lake dairy, Elizabeth Park, Wood TPD, ...................................... .................................................. ....
b. Sponsors - public-private partnership, the EU, Local Government Prov, Euroregion.
c. Joint Undertaking local governments.
5th Declaration of the will of local governments in the implementation of plans, sewn introduction
to the budget 2011.
a. Cost Estimate - the assumption at the beginning of the stage and the audience
detachable / 10 bands in the contest 2-3 + star - 2 days - approx. 35 thousand zł.
b. Approval of the Council and the Commission's factual statements will a Board
c. Introduction amounts to budgets of municipalities.
6th Prepare presentation plans, its prospects for the Committee of Councils and Councillors
(with comments by the Commission) by the initiating team.
a. consulting project in ERB in Elblag
7th Identification of the Festival period - 2 or 3 days?, Concerts in Sępopolu, Bisztynku,
Gorowo Il.?
8th Shanty organize a concert performer known this year as
announcement Festival in 2011 (up to two contractors in the full repertoire - 3 hours.
- up to 5 thousand. zł).
a. Mietek Folk
b. Atlantis
c. Krzysztof Malinowski from Canada (from Biskupiec)
d. Greg Tyszkiewicz

;                                                                      Proposed - Witold Darski

Bartoszyce the 10/28/2010.

Hl-dt-st Dvdram Gh40f Dual Layer

Certificate - European social dialogue - 2009.

Certificate - powers to secure and flexible forms of work on CSR and Flexicurity - 2009.

Certificate of Christian Trade Union of the Netherlands - 1990.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nike Jersey Rn 56323 Ca 05553

Certificates I - different views

Format Of Reconsideration Letter In Ust

Tatry - my passion

Tatry mine - I Due Szpiglasowego Peak Slovakia

Tatry mine - I and the three ponds (on the way to pass Szpiglasową)

my Tatry - The Szpiglasowej pass - in the background Orla Perc

Tatry mine - I am on Świnicy

my Tatry - On the way to Świnica - Track down the valley

Tatry I - The Sarnie Rock - in the background Giewont

Tatry mine - I have to jump Krokiew

my Tatry - The Beskidku - Background Świnica

Tatra me - I am on Kościelec